Only quick missions or stuff you download or make on your own. Eduard 1 72 scale zoom colour photo etched self adhesive set. Building tamiyas 148 scale il2 shturmovik by brett green. Ilushyn il 2 sturmovik smer 1 72 curtiss p40b warhawk revell 1 48. Zvezda 7204 soviet fighter mig3 plastic model kit scale 1 72 length 11 cm 4. Let us notify you when this product is back in stock. Il2m shturmovik airplane model building kit, 172nd scale. Over 36,000 examples were built by the end of the war, making it the most produced military aircraft in aviation history. Capable of sustaining enormous amounts of damage while simultaneously wreaking havoc on german ground forces.
Edss486 1 72 ilyushin il 2 sturmovik zoom etch academy home model aircraft 1 72 kits and accessories eduard backorder catalogue 1 72 mask, photoetch and resin. The ilyushin il2 stormovikpage contains all related products, articles, books, walkarounds and plastic scale modeling projects dedicated this aircraft. Forgotten battles, ace expansion pack, pacific fighters and alternate histry campaigns of year 1946. Here is the ilyushin il 2 shturmovik modelers online reference onestop resource for photos, kits, details, and references. At least, there was among one or two selfproclaimed experts.
The small parts and pieces included in the kit make it a choking hazard for children younger than that. Yak9, yak9t and hurricane preorders launched and more steam and webstore news. Accessory for plastic models aires, hobby plastic models. Academy 172 scale ilyushin il2 shturmovik finescale modeler. The initial il 2s were very similar to the rafs fairy battle. The academy ju87g 1 stuka tank buster has to be part of that illustrious group with its huge 20mm big guns.
Il2 sturmovik accurate 148 hobby, maquetas y modelismo. Academy 148 il2 stormovik singleseater wskis 12286 for. Academy il2 shturmovik airplane model building kit. Tamiya ilyshin il2 shturmovik 1 72 plastic model airplane. The ilyushin il 2 stormovikpage contains all related products, articles, books, walkarounds and plastic scale modeling projects dedicated this aircraft. Messerschmitt bf 110c2 c7 2 revell spz marder 1a3 172 revell gmc cckw 353 172 heller. Coded 82, with the inscription valery chalkov on both sides of the fuselage, it also has a white identification stripe on the vertical stabilizer. Accessory for plastic models il2 sturmovik exhaust more. Academy il 2m shturmovik airplane model building kit by. Simply enter your details below and we will send you an email when 1 72 ilyushin il 2 sturmovik exhausts for academy kits is back in stock. The ilyushin il 2 was a groundattack aircraft shturmovik in the second world war, produced by the soviet union in very large numbers the average length of the model, mm.
Eduard zoom ss486 172 academy ilyushin il2 sturmovik ebay. The ilyushin il 2 stormovik epitomized the groundattack specialist aircraft, performing with such great aplomb that it earned the epithet of black death from german infantry on the eastern front. It was the best known and most produced military aircraft in the world, a total of over 36,000 being delivered to the soviet air force during world war ii. Photoetched set 1 72 il 2 sturmovik color, for academy kit by eduard. This set will transform the cockpit of your 1 72 academy il 2 there are coloured dials. Easy model wwii ilyushin il2 sturmovik russia aircraft 172 plane. Overview the ilyushin il 2 was the main groundattack aircraft of the soviet air force vvs during the second world war, and was the most feared aircraft on the eastern front. Academy 172 il2 sturmovik singleseater vvseastern front.
Hobby boss il2 sturmovik plastic scale model kit in 1. I compared it to the accurate miniatures 1 48th scale twoseat stormovick i dont have the am singleseater and it appears to me to be a scaleddown version of the accurate miniatures kit. Reproduced stormovik ski version single seater rs82 rocket and 250kgs bomb armament included. Tamiya il2 sturmovik fighter plastic model airplane kit 1. It often seems that this is, indeed, a perfect description of the current situation vis a vis the il 2 modeled in 1 72nd scale. Il2 sturmovik 2 is a 2001 world war ii combat flight simulator video game. You can see the amazing resemblance of the two kits by looking at eduards reissue of the il 2 look here, though eduard added some nice touches over the stock am kit, and even spelled the name correctly. Tskb5557, designed by sergey ilyushin and his team of central design bureau, was a strong, allmetal aircraft. I just picked academy s 1 72 il 2 sturmovik, very nice kit, with a lot of marking options.
The model was built straight from the sprues with no additions or modifications. I only spent about 15 hours on mine, way less than i usually spend on a 1 32 scale aircraft. Il 2 sturmovik hb83201plastic scale model kit in 1. Academy ju87g1 stuka tank buster plastic model airplane. Il2 sturmovik 1946 il 2 1946 includes all of the original il 2 series content. Buy easy model wwii ilyushin il2 sturmovik russia aircraft 172 plane no diecast. The ilyushin il 2 in 1 72 nd scale when it rains, it pours. This is the new academy 1 72nd scale singleseat il 2 stormovick. Buy academy il2 shturmovik airplane model building kit. It was operated by a pilot and a rear gunner and theyre protected by armored bathtub along with.
The ilyushin il2 stormovik was to the russians what the spitfire was to the british and the zero to the japanese. It is a finished model and comes complete with a stand. Roden bristol f2b fighter plastic model airplane kit 1 72 scale. Academys 172 scale il2 is molded in 106 lightgray parts and features recessed panel lines and minimal mold seams and flash. My 1 72 scale pzkpfw ii luchs welcome to reddit, the front page of the internet. An 2 aircraft 1 72 the best and latest aircraft 2018. Academy il2 shturmovik airplane model building kit 5. Sprue attachment points were removed with a sharp hobby knife and sanding sticks. The ilyushin il 2 shuturmovik was the russian militarys representative groundattack aircraft during wwii. Photoetched set 172 il2 sturmovik color, for academy. Interleukin2 druggability is modulated by global conformational. Academy il2m shturmovik airplane model building kit.
This is a very well constructed 1 72nd scale ilyushin il 2 sturmovik, built from the excellent academy kit. Tskb5557, designed by sergey ilyushin and his team of central design bureau, was a strong, allmetal aircraft and propelled by am38 engine 1,680hp. Eduard 1 72 il 2 stormovik single seater self adhesive prepai. Bf 109f 2 fine molds 1 72 noughts and academy 1 72 il 2 sturmovik single 1 72 antonov an 2 aircraft 144 1 72 tu 2 tupolew bat hobby boss 80298 f 35b lightning ii 1 72 cast model. Academy 172 ju87g 2 stuka tank buster russia 1944 academy. For the series of video games, see il2 sturmovik series. Is the 48 sturmovik the next build or is there going to be something inbetween. I began my personal quest to build a selection of the worlds best ground attack aircraft in 1 72nd scale this year including the il 2 sturmovik, a10 warthog, a7d corsair ii, etc. Academy s 1 72 scale il 2 is available online from.
Overall, building the hobbyboss sturmovik was a pleasurable experience with its nearperfect fit and appropriate level of detail. Im building the academy 172 il2m twoseater with the earlier. Academy 12563 1 72 usn f14a vf143 pukin dogs us navy aircraft plastic model. This month brings us the release of the scaleddown version, the ubiquitous 1 72 il 2 shturmovik by tamiya. One of the first 1940 photographs of the il2 show it equipped with two mp6 23 mm. Designed by sergey ilyushin and his team of central design bureau, the worst nightmare of german ground troops was il 2 sturmovik. Judging from the unused parts and fuselage mold lines, there may well be a twoseater sometime in the future. The accurate miniatures kit produced both versions in 1 48 scale, so we might see the twoseater from academy in the future.
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